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Attic Bedroom Design & Designing Tips.

Attic bedroom designs... bedrooms with some of the roof inside the room. Basically these kind of rooms or bedrooms have a bad reputation for being.. cramped, dark, less spacey etc. but if designed and decorated in a technical and intelligent manner..they can turn into cozy, romantic and cute bedrooms. Lets check out few idea's and tips to renovate such rooms into a real romantic suites. 

  •  Keep the room walls light in colors. After all its a small space and turning it too much into a darker shade will ruin its appearance and utilization. Dark colors tend to make spaces look smaller, but light colors can make a room appear larger and brighter.
  • Make the slanted ceiling a lighter color than the rest of the room. A dark slanted ceiling can seem oppressive and may give the ceiling a “caving in” effect.
  • Adding  texture. Texture can alter the ambiance of an attic bedroom and act as a subtle decoration in a room with limited space. 
  • Use paneling. Paneling placed vertically will heighten the room, making it appear taller. When placed horizontally, paneling can elongate or widen a room, which can be especially useful if the bedroom is located in a narrow attic space.

Placing the furniture ..accessories etc. into an attic room is an art.. so that room doesnt seems to be more smaller .. or non-spacious because of the improper arrangement of furniture. Few tips for successful furniture placement :

  • Keep your furniture to a minimum. Since many attics are such small spaces, eliminate unwanted and unnecessary furnishings. Opt for smaller pieces, such as a full-sized bed instead of a king, and only include what you need to make the space comfortable.
  • Create built-in storage space. Install a window bench that doubles as drawer space, or look for a bed frame with drawer space built underneath.
  • Matching up of furniture colors to the wall colors : It creates more openness and spacey feeling to the room.
  • Use checkered, plaid, floral, and other light prints to create a whimsical space.Look for patterned bedspreads, armchairs, and drapes. These patterns add visual interest to the room in a subtle, enchanting manner, but louder patterns, like polka dots or brightly colored plaid, can overwhelm the bedroom if it is located in a smaller attic.

  • If you can perform a more thorough overhaul of your attic bedroom, add a few slanted skylight windows and circular wall windows to let in as much natural light as possible. A large casement window will offer even more light.
  • If you plan on remodeling as well as redecorating, add built-in bookshelves, drawers, and closets. The more storage space you can build into the walls, the less you need to clutter your floors with.
  • Keep the air circulating by installing a ceiling fan. Good circulation is especially important during the hot, humid summer months.

An attic room not that bad as well..isn't  it. Create a cozy, cute, romantic place for your stay.. and for your family.. No space is a waste ever.. just give it a special touch of your imagination and designing abilities. 


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