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Indian wedding decorations for home.

Soon after the festive reason gets over we will get a grand knock from the wedding season and we need to tight up our seats with grand decorations at home and our spaces. Wedding hall decorations or venue decorations are being taken care of by the event management or the wedding planner but what about the decorations at home, they too need to be taken care of for the real grand and royal touch of wedding. After all a wedding starts at home..!

Huge role is being played by flowers in any kind of decoration and it always comes first it mind when the decoration is related to any of the auspicious work in India. Mix up the wedding beauty with floral fragrances and magical flower touch. Bunch them in pots, in vases, hang them on the wall, welcome your guest with some flowers on the floor as floor decoration, beautify the galleries and balconies with flower impacts and impressions. 

Take out some special time and theme for flower patterns mixing up well with home decors or home handicrafts like vases, table design, door hangings etc. To get more of the elegant and awesome look light up the flower decoration with mini LED bulb hangings, LED colorful individual bulbs etc. Hang in few traditional laltens at the balcony side or light up the entrance with some traditional light lamps. You may even theme up the home decors same as wedding venue decors for a perfect match and class. 

Use of bright colors in form of different bright cloths, shinny fabrics, like red, golden, silver, yellow, orange can be opted to make the sangit area look special, menhandi space look more gorgeous, use yellow and red combination fabrics at puja place of wedding house to give it more of the authentic and traditional look adding more glitters of positive vibes for going to be would be couple.

Placement of colorful bright traditional pillows, cushions, are always a pat of charm adding a sense of happiness for the occasion. Let your table settings, corner designing glow up with candles, lamps , perfumed candles, etc. Use of rose petals with candles gives an awesome look to the area wherever it has been used. 

Not just the well-designed wedding venue makes a perfect wedding, happiness, smiles, decors starts from home. After all its a wedding, which is going to bring home unending happiness, glow, charm and beauty so always welcome the newly weds with amazing home designing and decoration. 


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