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Orissa at a glance..

Hiee..... continuing my tour of Orissa..... here I come again with few more precious ... charming handicrafts .. decor .. craft..and talent of Orissa. It is never possible to cover any state at once..... you need to walk more and more..! After-all ......India is a soil of talent..and its each and every state is enriched with skillful work..  heritage ... precious art ..and unlimited choices.

So...after the fabulous ... patch work.. on fabrics.. and breath taking ceiling and wall hangings..etc.. its time to move on and explore more of the hidden talent of Orissa.

Wooden Crafts : Expertise wooden crafts with skilled carving work ..can be found at Orissa. Wood work..cane work..bamboo work.. etc are the specialties of the wooden handicrafts.

Wood craved box ..... wooden painted box .. etc will charm the beauty of your decors. Simplicity with the touch of talent will give the perfect look to the spaces. 

Small wood/bamboo hut ...... will ensure to brighten the charm of your outhouse.. or exteriors .. or can be an add on beauty to your landscaping.  A small .. and open place to relax in the evenings .. and to entertain your morning hours. 

Such a marvelous work on wood...... by painting..carving ... binding the bamboo and cane together ..etc. is the preserved heritage and well maintained talent of Orissa and they keep introducing new home decor products and things with the changing time and fashion.

Tribal paintings : The best way to explore the art,living style , traditions , culture of Orissa's tribal community. Simple painting with not very much of vivid colors and difficult designs  can also bring the "village atmosphere" to your .. farm house.. or out house.. etc.

Each of the painting carries the culture of Orissa .. they speak the living style  .. traditions etc. Each and every painting has its own specific message and story behind it. Mixed in the colors of hard-work , simplicity and culture .. they are one of the best way to bring home "village culture" for a change. :)

Metal works : I wish eyes were camera ..and my mind was a memory card which can behold the beauty of such a metal work I have never seen before. This is just not the work of skilled and talented people .. in fact its a work of blessed people. 

Heavy metals .. designed .. curved .. modified in such a beautify manner ..will always bring the spark to any of the furniture ... corner it is kept at. 

Pottery/clay work : Bring them home......bring them for your offices .. to gift keep at your favorite place of residence .

"Jaganath ji " is waiting to get a small corner of your home... or office. Beautifully painted idols of "Lord Jaganath ji " are the most attractive and tourist pulling clay item to be taken off. 

Toys.. show pieces .. clay art...magic of talent is something which your will find in this soil of Orissa. 

Other decor items : Most interesting and different section of this post .. look..what I got. 

Garden umbrella for your gardens ........landscape..exterior's. Give in a royal sort of touch to your "landscaping" ....... its a perfect one to protect you from sun ..and give your garden a "maharaja touch".

I know.....these foot-wears for  not for decor's.. just found it interesting to share. Couldn't stop myself sharing this with you guys. :) 

Hmm...... super decorated ..painted bottles enrich the beauty of your kitchen corners or living area or dinner area. Different ..and too precious to own. :) 

Last but not the least..... another play of clay...and pottery. Perfection in color, size, design etc ..makes it a pure blend of decor to charm the spaces. 

Journey of comes to an end ..or say a small halt ...I never know.. may be on the path of designs and decor's .. my roads again takes a turn to Orissa. :) 

In-between... you guys also keep travelling to this interesting path of design and decor...and even I will keep exploring the universe of such a talent .. hard-work .. and skillful art. 

copyright, All Rights Reserved 2013, Richa Gupta


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