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Feng Shui 13 do's for work & prosperity.

Being stuck in an office can be the pits, but learn about the 13 do’s and taboos of feng shui office design and you can feel like you’re working in nature and getting prosperity for your office work and business. 
  • DO sit in the corner farthest from the entrance to the room to have a “command” position.
  • DON’T sit in line with the door, as you will be in the path of negative energy.
  • DO keep your back toward a corner or a wall for support. If a post protrudes from the corner or wall, correct it by covering it with a hanging plant’s draping foliage.
  • DO sit with a tall building behind you to provide the support of a “mountain” if your back is to a window.
  • DON’T face away from the door if you are conducting business from home. Business will symbolically come to you through the door, so don’t turn your back on it.
  • DON’T arrange your work-space so that you look straight out into a corridor or see the stairs, storage rooms, closets, elevators, escalators, or toilets.
  • DO put your computer in the North or West area of your office to enhance your creativity. Place the computer in the Southeast if you use it to generate income.
  • DO place an aquarium or tabletop fountain in the East, North, or Southeast. A small aquarium with black or blue fish in the North area of your desk or office will activate your business and career success. Guppies or a single arrowana are ideal for an aquarium made of glass and metal.
  • DO place a safe, which is usually constructed of metal, in either West or Northwest, which both represent the metal element. The safe symbolizes the prosperity and financial security of a business.
  • DO have a good balance of yin and yang when decorating your work-space  Balance light and dark colors, soft and hard surfaces, and smooth and rough textures in your choice of window treatments, furniture, and flooring.
  • DON’T have any mirrors in your office, as they can reflect negative energy from clients to other people in the room. You should always maintain control over the energy in your office.
  • DO treat the files in your office with respect. They represent your past, present, and future business.
  • DO keep the cords to your office equipment well hidden. This eliminates clutter and allows for the free flow of chi.
So, these were small and little advice from the chapters of Feng Shui..which will help you grow better in your work and business. Make some minor changes and hug the clouds of success and happiness. 


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