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Random Designs.

Hmm..planning for something.....and not getting the appropriate idea and design creativity.. why don't you check out my random design collection..... which I was able to explore from Google. Take a look.. this one may help you.. :) :)

Design a corner of a living room... or a family room..with low back height sofa and traditionally designed mirror.. hmm..always adds a royal touch to your spaces. 

Personally I love this sort of arrangement.....down the stairs... off-set the living room..and create a downwards sitting area. Different and simple one.. just love it. 

So here comes the simple bunker's with good storage space... nice idea to deal with less spacey rooms . Its always so cozy and so useful. 

Among all ......this one is my favorite .... simply treat to your eyes.... nature lovers..this is the one thing you can think about.. n specially if you are lucky enough person who is residing at hilly area's. 

Cozy and simple living area for your residence is always a good place to relax and entertain your guests.. isn't it.. !!

Hmm.. have lots of space..... to design and plan out things..keep it bit open and less mess-up. At times ... spaces also needs fresh breeze of air and less furniture...with light colors  contrasted with brighter one. 

A perfect sun light bedroom...... that's what I will call this. Graced with simple and useful designing and added flavor of light colors makes it a perfect sunlight bedroom. Try it.. its going to be very relaxing and comfortable. 

Kids oh kids... here is the perfect designed room for two sisters .. or twin sisters. Even this can be shared by two brother's...just change the colors from purple to blue..or yellow. Create this magic for your kids room.

Simplicity is ..the design idea of this room... so cozy and so comfortable it is. It gives a feel of comfort and relaxation with a perfect mood.

So ... big boys..... here is your room.. with the perfect cocktail of study requirements and mood to relax...  simple and delicate flavor of design. 

Few pick-up's from cottage designing as well. Old is gold.. can try out with some heavy furniture.. and cozy rooms.. with perfect country look. 

Welcome home atmosphere .. that's what i call it. So cool and so warm... balanced diet of  design..simplicity.. furniture and colors.

White is always in...... but you need to maintain it. Not so tough as well.. but always a royal touch to add in to your interiors. Peaceful and pure look for your mind and mood.

Give your residence a perfect afternoon mood...with cozy and silent environment ..hang up few paintings.. create the silence with colors ..welcome summers and afternoons with delightful  and comfortable furniture.

Work at home.... and at your room.. :) No space to accommodate bed and your desk.... try this.. designed with atheistic factors and useful elements. 

So, how did you find this... "random designing"... few more to come. Many concepts .. corners ... elements of design are waiting to be explored. Thanks to Google.. and few of my visits to different places. :) :) Will try to get more for "design world"

Keep your foot prints on .. they always brings a big smile on my face and motivates my work. :) :) 


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