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Reason to Celebrate ... its Sale.. HURRY..!!

Hello Friends.... As i mentioned in my previous post... i hail from the steel city of Bengal .. that's "Durgapur"..small big dreams... great work.... awesome "Bengali culture".. and small but super markets... and when its "April month"..these markets turn into super gain floor for every shop,customer, general public.. people like me..who are always in search of such places where we can find lots of matter to capture down and just jot it in your words..

"14-April".... " Bengali's New Year" .. soooon gonna knock the doors of bengali families and friends.. so all are preparing for that. Hmm.. .. lots of thing to buy.. many cloths already bought ... & too many things still left to be done. They all are in hurry as well as ... all set to shop.. as its "Sale time" .. for them. They try to get as much cloths as they can, give there best efforts to welcome there new year. Streets are full of people, buyers, two wheeler , four wheeler.. no space to even walk.  

I walked down to this market with my friend... after all when u are in such a busy place you need a companion to share your views... take taste of various road side items .. observing different sort of people with various needs and to click all sort of pictures you need to post for your blog.. :P :P :P

Its just not market of profit or loss..its market of festival..celebration.. and happiness..and after all in such a raised & higher costs of everything if people are getting affordable prices & heavy discounts on each and every item with a maintained quality then off course  its a reason to buy and celebrate. Its not just for the lower or middle class people, every person is invited in this celebration to get there desired items. Few go for cloths, few for accessories , some for electrical appliances  and many other for different sort of kitchen appliances , utensils etc. So I tried to keep all the pictures in my mind... to create the same in my blog. 

This is the best time to walk down the busy road sides.....if you love lots of people.. roads flooded with excitement and happiness of buyers and shopkeepers. Ya, its hot here.. summer time... but few things convert your summers into cool when you get such offers for your wardrobes. 

Now this sort of "Mela" ..can be seen again  just before "Durga-Puja". I m waiting for "puja's" to knock the door of Bengal and rest of India.

Till then..... keep waiting for such flooded streets again .. this view is spectacular as well as.... bit difficult to jot down in words. Though i tried my best...!! After all I m a person who is in work ...with mistakes and progress. :)

For any kind of conversation mail me at .. hope to get a new story again soon for my write up..  :) :P


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